    Strength indicator
  • Either paste a summary of your CV here, or provide a link to your CV elsewhere.
  • Tell us about your research interests and expertise. (For example: your medical specialty, your research field, writing up scientific articles, researching particular kinds of healing practices or phenomena, or helping to evaluate particular kinds of medical records.)
  • What has been your experience *specifically* with scholarly and biomedical research?
  • <ul> <li>Member – medical or academic professional with M.D., Ph.D., RN, or equivalent credential (dues $100/yr, waived for first year)</li> <li>Affiliate member – Interested in society but ineligible for regular membership (dues $100/yr, waived for first year)</li> <li>Student member – Interested in the society and enrolled in an accredited, degree-granting program leading to a Ph.D., M.D., R.N., or equivalent credential. (dues $25/yr, waived for first year)</li> </ul>
  • <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LeXNBgTAAAAADqsoTx26Gwdeq3ocJVdUptlDdKH"></div><script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"></script> <noscript> <iframe src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/noscript?k=6LeXNBgTAAAAADqsoTx26Gwdeq3ocJVdUptlDdKH" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br/> <textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="manual_challenge"/> </noscript>